Visual Arts General

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The Visual Arts General course encompasses the practice and theory of the broad areas of art, craft and design. Students have opportunities to express their imagination and develop personal imagery, skills and engage in the making and presentation of artworks. They develop aesthetic understandings and a critical awareness that assists them to appreciate, and make, informed evaluations of art. This course places value on divergence, uniqueness and individuality. It assists students to value and develop confidence in their own creative abilities and to develop a greater understanding of their environment, community and culture. The Visual Arts General course engages students in a process that helps them develop motivation, self-esteem, discipline, collaborative practice and resilience, all of which are essential life skills. Enterprise and initiative are recognised and encouraged.
- General Visual Arts is beneficial for future studies in the fields such as Primary Teaching, Child Care, Visual Merchandising, Art and Craft.
- Syllabus and other SCSA documentation can be found HERE
Year 12 Visual Arts General To access the syllabus for this subject please click HERE.